图片文件尺寸 : 5458 x 6668px
“普拉西德夫人在亚历山大·普拉西德(Alexandre Placide)的芭蕾舞剧《捕鸟人》(the Bird Catcher)中饰演罗塞塔(Rosetta)一角-Anonymous
Madame Placide in the title role of Rosetta in Alexandre Placide’s staging of the ballet The Bird Catcher–Anonymous
图片文件尺寸 : 5458 x 6668px
“普拉西德夫人在亚历山大·普拉西德(Alexandre Placide)的芭蕾舞剧《捕鸟人》(the Bird Catcher)中饰演罗塞塔(Rosetta)一角-Anonymous
Madame Placide in the title role of Rosetta in Alexandre Placide’s staging of the ballet The Bird Catcher–Anonymous